2014. 11. 2 (sunday)
navaro, kumamoto
tygh / ember / pervert / pine / sea / rosewood / hyll / built
with nekonomeirei, cottoncandy

show::2014. 11. 1 (saturday)
kumamoto university sigma festival, kumamoto
tygh / further / pervert / pine / sea / flair / rosewood / tutelar / hyll

show::2014. 10. 31 (friday)
at hall, oita
tygh / ember / pervert / further / pine / sea / flair / rosewood / tutelar + hyll / built
with nishiyama hirokazu, ninomiya ayako, hugh

show::2014. 10. 30 (thursday)
cafe & bar gigi, fukuoka
tygh / ember / tutelar / flair / pine / further / rosewood / sea + hyll / built
with nerino, kurachi kumio

show::2014. 10. 28 (tuesday)
megaherz, kokura
tygh / ember / tutelar / pine / sea / pervert / further / rosewood / hyll / built
with skunk tail

2014. 10. 24 (friday)
c cloud, seoul
tygh / ember / pine / sea / further / flair / rosewood / hyll / built
with haha daisuke

2014. 10. 12 (sunday)
zandari festival, seoul
21:00 (9:00 pm), pinkmoon
tygh / ember / further / pervert / pine / dander / sea / rosewood / flair / hyll / built

2014. 9. 28 (saturday)
buena vista, jinju
ember / tygh / tutelar / pine / flair / sea / finite / rosewood / hyll / built
+ further
with snb

2014. 9. 27 (friday)
ember / tygh / younger / flair / sea / further / hyll / built
+ pine
with uncle bob

2014. 9. 24 (wednesday)
funny salon, kimhae
ember / tens / tutelar / younger / sea / further / flake / rosewood / hyll / built
with kwon namoo

2014. 6. 28 (saturday)
7th folkonaire, seoul
tygh / pine / flair / noon / further / hyll / built
with big phony, zen alone

2014. 6. 22 (sunday)
tungsten hall, seoul
tygh / sea / pine / further / flair / younger / hyll / built
with kim sawol

2014. 6. 15 (sunday)
pink moon, seoul
hyll / further / tutelar / pine / younger / summed / wile / sea / tygh
with kim wan hyeong, morrison hotel

2014. 6. 6 (friday)
cafe unplugged, seoul
tygh / tutelar / pine / sea / further / hyll / built / finite
+ cutter
with SiMoN, kwak Purunhanul

2014. 6. 2 (monday)
hawkwind, kyoto
tygh / tutelar / flair / pine / flair / sea / further / hyll / built
+ cutter
with sangin jung, tumulus (dj yoda)

2014. 5. 31 (saturday)
cafe mojo, kanawaza
tygh / pine / flair / cutter / wile / summed / sea / finite
tens / winged / further / stand / hyll / built
+ younger

2014. 5. 30 (friday)
space eauuu, kobe
pine / flair / sea / tygh / further / tens
+ hyll / built
with 地底紳士(chitei shinshi), 貝つぶ(kaitsubu)

2014. 5. 29 (thursday)
aotsuki shobo, osaka
tygh / shelled / flair / pine / further / dander / sea
+ hyll / built
with コハク(kohaku), YTAMO

2014. 5. 25 (sunday)
funny salon, kimhae
tygh / wile / cutter / tutelar / pine / sea / finite
+ hyll / built
with uncle bob, leigh gipum, kwon namoo

2014. 5. 24 (saturday)
cafe viva, changwon
tygh / tutelar / pine / flair / dander / sea / finite
+ hyll / built
with kwon namoo, leigh gipum, uncle bob

2014. 5. 23 (friday)
buena vista, jinju
picknick / sea / tutelar / younger / pine / flair / winding / further / finite
+ hyll / built
with acoustic sugar

2014. 3. 22 (saturday)
cafe ddda, seoul (play with yehyun)
hyll / pine / flair / finite / dander / defecator / summed / cutter / tygh
with soulloge

2014. 2. 14 (friday)
folkonaire 6th freaks, seoul (play with yehyun)
shelled / tutelar / flair / pine / sea / finite
with kim mokin, shibata satoko(柴田聡子)

2014. 2. 9 (sunday)
miyerang theater, jeju (play with yehyun)
hearted / younger / flair / pine / sea / further / finite
with zen alone, shibata satoko(柴田聡子)

2014. 2. 8 (saturday)
almost famous, busan (play with yehyun)
tutelar / pine / sea / further / younger / flair / finite
with kim tae chun, shibata satoko(柴田聡子)

2014. 1. 26 (sunday)
cafe ddda, seoul (play with yehyun)
with yang bitnara

2014. 1. 10 (friday)
the naive #1 "warm as wool”  (play with yehyun)
tens / further / tutelar / younger / flair / hearted / wile / finite / twinkled
+ decemeber
with leigh gipum, lee hosuk

© dringe augh & peprermEnt, 2001