2012. 12. 29 (saturday)
salon badabie, seoul
hearted / sea / tutelar / younger / shelled / flair / tygh
with ECE, 영신호, 데이드림, 플라타너스, 루스터라이드, 요괴인간

2012. 12. 22 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chiar, jeju
tygh / (untitled) / pine / flair / hearted / tutealr / summed / wile / feeshn't
with what's the frequency, david bevilacqua, 이디라마, 강아솔, 시와

2012. 12. 15 (saturday)
knit kaikan, osaka, japan
fader / shelled / tutelar / younger / hearted / cutter / wile / tygh / pine / feeshn't
with moon face boys, 須田宣人

2012. 12. 14 (friday)
space eauuu, kobe, japan
pine / flair / younger / cutter / wile / summed / tutelar / tygh / pervert / feeshn't
with 貝つぶ, アルプス

2012. 12. 2 (sunday)
pink moon, seoul
feeshn't / hearted / feathery / flair / tutelar / pervert / pinr / younger / tygh / 'cello song (by nick drake)
with vague blossom, 강아솔, 하헌진

2012. 12. 1 (saturday)
lowrise, seoul
feeshn't / tutelar / defecator / shelled / flair / wile / cutter / younger / hearer
with vague blossom, 곽푸른하늘, 강아솔

2012. 11. 2 (friday)
mudaeruk, seoul
shelled / tutelar / flair / younger / pine / hearted / tygh
with 2story, big baby driver, 김목인

2012. 10. 21 (sunday)
lowrise, seoul
pine / tutelar / pervert / cutter / wile / younger / tygh
with 피비기츠, 加藤りま(RIMA KATO), 아를, ASUNA

2012. 10. 19 (friday)
zandari festivalclub pink moon, seoul
shelled / tutelar / younger / pine / flair / winding / cutter / fader / summed / wile / pervert / tygh
with 세정, 여름에, 혼자왔니

2012. 10. 14 (sunday)
club heavy, daegu
sheebee / whore / dander / deter / hearer / twinkled / pervert / flair / younger / pine / tygh
with 소중, 피크닉인더레인

2012. 9. 23 (sunday)
salon badabie, seoul
picknick / flair / pervert / dander / younger / cutter / twinkled / pine / tygh
with 데일리노트, 백자, 이상의 날개, 클랜필드

2012. 9. 8 (saturday)
club heavy, daegu
drem / cutter / wile / finite / shelled / tutelar / younger / flair / pine / tygh
with Desert, 도노반과 제3행성, 소중

2012. 9. 2 (sunday)
cafe namu, wonju
flair / pervert / tutelar / cutter / drem / wile / younger / dander / pine / tygh
with 김목인

2012. 9. 1 (saturday)
c cloud, seoul
puul / hearer / pine / tygh / flair / younger / tutelar / summed / cutter
with 하헌진, 김목인

2012. 8. 12 (sunday)
salon badabie, seoul
twinkled / addicted / hearer / pervert / dander / younger / flair / tygh
with 스몰토크, 주노브, 셀린셀리셀린느

2012. 8. 11 (saturday)
club autuer, seoul
이호석 앨범발매 기념공연 게스트
je t'aime (by 하와이) / tutelar / flair
with 김목인

2012. 8. 4(saturday)
茶房高円寺書林, 高円寺, tokyo
picknick / feathery / tutelar / flair / younger / shelled / hearted / summed / fader / cutter / dander / tygh
with Hara Kazutoshi, 野村和孝, i need me (阿久津和也)

2012. 8. 3 (friday)
瓦RECORD, matsumoto, japan
shelled / tutelar / flair / younger / hearted / cutter / summed / fader / feathery / dander / finite / tygh / pine
with 耳なりぼうや

2012. 8.2 (thursday)
kapo, kanazawa, japan
flair / tutelar / younger / feathery / buried / dander / pervert / winding / tygh

2012. 7. 28 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chair, jeju
pine / tutelar / flair / hearted / younger / pervert / dander / buried / hearer / noon
with 이디라마, vague blossom, 강아솔

2012. 7. 14 (saturday)
electric muse 5th anniversary show, seoul
cutter / summed / flair / tygh / twinkled

2012. 7. 6 (friday)
salon badabie, seoul
addicted / twinkled / bifid / tutelar / flair / younger / dander / finite / tygh
with 반디, 스카피쉬, 라이커멜로

2012. 6. 16 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chair, jeju
picknick / tutelar / younger / dander / pyne / wile / summed / cutter / flair / feathery / tygh
with 하와이, 강아솔

2012. 5. 26 (saturday)
salon badabie, seoul
pyne / tutelar / dander / finite / flair / pervert / feathery / younger / shelled / tygh
with 이상의 날개, 소울파크, 해일

2012. 5. 23 (wednesday)
Round x Round vol 18 at cafe B-hind, seoul
shelled / tutelar / younger / hearted / flair / feathery / dander / finite / tygh
with 하와이

2012. 5. 12 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chair, jeju
deter / younger / finite / dander / summed / wile / fire / playn / tutelar / hearted / shelled / flair
with 강아솔

2012. 4. 29 (sunday)
club monk, jeonju
shelled / younger / tutelar / hearted / finite / flair / winding / feathery / dander / pervert / tygh
with 김목인, cryim

2012. 4. 28 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chair, jeju
shelled / tutelar / winding / flair / hearted / younger / pyne / picknick / tygh / noon
forget about (by sibylle baier) / twinkled / july / better / addicted / dander / fire / wile / cutter / deter / pervert / finite / tygh / flair
with 채동원

2012. 3. 16 (friday)
yongsan jeonja salon, seoul
pyne / tutelar / shelled / hearted / flair / younger / tygh
with 아멜리레코드, 니케아

2012. 3. 10 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chair, jeju
shelled / tutelar / pyne / flair / winding / whore / cholera / picknick / feathery / hearted / tygh
wile / summed / fader / cutter / pervert / morningtide / younger / sheebee / noon / bifid / july
with 김목인

2012. 3. 2 (friday)
salon badabie, seoul
cholera / defecator / whore / sheebee / younger / pervert / flair / tygh / noon
with 스카피쉬, 조은경, 일렉스틱, DK Soul

2012. 2. 17 (friday)
salon badabie, seoul
pyne / flair / tutelar / winding / deter / shelled / hearted / wile / cutter
with 스윙체어, 곽푸른하늘, 니케아, 클럼지

2012. 1. 24 (tuesday)
salon badabie, seoul
shelled / tutelar / buried / flair / pervert / feathery / younger / hearted / tygh
with 구상모, 셀린셀리셀린느, 부나비, 빅터뷰

2012. 1. 8 (sunday)
cafe amenohi, seoul
wile / cutter / summed / tutelar / younger / flair / buried / rarely / tygh
with 김목인

2012. 1. 6 (friday)
salon badabie, seoul
rarely / flair / feathery / summed / fader / wile / tutelar / buried / tygh
with 루빈, 소울파크, 사막돌고래

© dringe augh & peprermEnt, 2001