2013. 12. 21 (saturday)
space marley, jeju (play with yehyun)
tens / shelled / tutelar / pine / cutter / wile / flair / younger / finite + december
with namgida band

2013. 12. 20 (friday)
myoji1227, changwon (play with yehyun)
tygh / shelled / tutelar / hearted / younger / flair / pine / sea / further / finite + december
with uncle bob

2013. 12. 1 (sunday)
cafe ddda, seoul (play with yehyun)
tygh / sea / flair / hearted / feathery / pine / younger / tutelar / finite
with lee hosuk

2013. 11. 24 (sunday)
fine thank you, jeju (play with yehyun)
picknick / pine / tutelar / hearted / flair / younger / pervert / sea / finite + hearer

2013. 11. 23 (saturday)
blue hill, jeju (play with yehyun)
tygh / shelled / pine / tutelar / hearted / flair / sea / younger / finite + twinkled
with namgida band

2013. 11. 16 (saturday)
cafe ddda, seoul (play with yehyun)
tens / sea / pine / hearted / tutelar / flair / younger / finite / twinkled
with lee hosuk

2013. 11. 11 (monday)
gallery septima, tokyo (play with yehyun)
tygh / wile / cutter / tutelar / younger / hearted / dander / flair / finite + twinkled
with 柴田聡子, the medium necks

2013. 11. 10 (sunday)
a la tarto, nagoya, (play with yehyun)
murata sexy boy (by thomas) / tygh / shelled / tutelar / feathery / younger / hearted / flair / pine / summed / finite + hearer
with 河合慎五 (カタリカタリ), 西 洋彦

2013. 11. 9 (saturday)
give little more, matsumoto (play with yehyun)
pine / shelled / tutelar / younger / hearted / sea / flair / cutter / finite
with slum, nomura kaz

2013. 11. 8 (friday)
space eauuu, kobe (play with yehyun)
murata sexy boy (by thomas) / shelled / tutelar / younger / hearted / sea / flair / finite + twinkled
with カメイナホコ+貝つぶ, 瀬藤友也

2013. 11. 3 (sunday)
pink moon, seoul (play with yehyun)
picknick / tutelar / hearted / pine / flair / younger / sea / finite
with leigh gipum, song yong chang

2013. 10. 27 (sunday)
tungsten hall, seoul (played with yehyun)
tygh / tutelar / younger / shelled / hearted / pine / finite
with croque-note, nabi

2013. 10. 20 (sunday)
space roots, busan (played with yehyun)
picknick / sea / shelled / flair / younger / defecator / tutelar / hearted / finite
with supyeongsun

2013. 10. 19 (saturday)
retro bonbon, changwon (played with yehyun)
tygh / shelled / pine / flair / hearted / pervert / tutelar / finite / younger / hearer
with supyeongsun

2013. 10. 18 (friday)
cafe ddda, seoul (played with yehyun)
shelled / hearted / pine / dander / tutelar / finite / younger / flair / twinkled
with 2story

2013. 10. 11 (friday)
ruloorala for zadari festa, seoul
tygh / wile / cutter / sea / shelled / tutelar / pervert / defecator/ dander/ flair/ finite

2013. 9. 14 (saturday)
cafe ddda, seoul (played with yehyun)
picknick / sea / pervert / defecator / flair / tutelar / younger / hearted / twinkled / hearer
with lee hosuk

2013. 8. 17 (saturday)
nestnada, seoul
picknick / sea / pervert / finite / defecator / younger / flair / tutelar / tygh
with 이영훈, 사람또사람

2013. 8. 11 (sunday)
pink moon, seoul
pink moon (by nick drake) / flair / sea / dander / defecator / winged / pine / cutter / summed / from the morning (by nick drake)
with eeeho, ha heon jin

2013. 8. 9 (friday)
folkonaire 5th freaks, seoul
feeshn't / shelled / hearted / summed / twinkled / addicted / winged / tutelar / pine / flair / sea / tens / + younger

2013. 8. 3 (saturday)
cafe ddda, seoul
tens / sea / pervert / dander / flair / pine / younger / wile / cutter / tygh
with lee hosuk

2013. 7. 28 (sunday)
gallery soap, kokura
picknick / sea / pervert / feathery / fader / summed / cutter / winding / flair / pine / tygh / + untitled
with 山内 桂, shayou, 高原宏佑

show::2013. 7. 27 (saturday)
hiyokohead, shimonoseki
feeshn't / shelled / tutelar / noon / pine / flair / cutter / wile / sea / whore / dander / tygh
with 下野ペロ

2013. 7. 25 (thursday)
navaro, kumamoto
tygh / sea / whore / dander / flair / younger / defecator / pine
with nakakoh, onaramushi, doit science, 平井正也, ボギー

2013. 7. 24 (wednesday)
tygh / tutelar / younger / summed / wile / cutter / drem 
part 2
sheebee / pine / sea / finite / pervert / dander / flair / feathery / feeshn't / + untitled
iaf shop, fukuoka

2013. 7. 23 (tuesday)
megahertz, kokura
feeshn't / dander / younger / flair / finite / sea / pervert / pine / tygh
with ヒラオカテツユキ, 岩永ハナエ

2013. 7. 21 (sunday)
drone koshien kanazawa, kanazawa
murata sexy boy (by thomas) / sea / dander / feathery / tutelar / フェーアプレイ

2013. 7. 20 (saturday)
neon hall, nagano
tygh / flair / sea / pervert / dander / wile / cutter

2013. 7. 19 (friday)
give me little more, matsumoto
feeshn't / sea / dander / pervert / finite / whore / cutter / wile / flair / noon / pine
with slum, 玉屋

2013. 7. 15 (monday)
taiyo no onara, kanazawa
tutelar / younger / flair / pervert / dander / sea / pine / feathery / tygh

2013. 7. 11 (thursday)
urbanguild, kyoto
pyne / dander / summed / fader / feathery / younger / flair / untitled
with DJ 井上潤一, comorotalk, the wameki, 賢いユリシーズ

2013. 7. 7 (sunday)
cafe non, kyoto
feeshn't / sea / pervert / dander / pine / winding / flair / younger / tutelar / tygh
with matsuno izumi, hayashi taku

2013. 7. 5 (friday)
space eauuu, kobe
drem / summed / fader / cutter / wile / younger / shelled / whore / defecator / tygh
part 2
murata sexy boy (by thomas) / sea / finite / tutelar / feeshn't / + untitled

2013. 6. 30 (sunday)
bar bossa, tokyo
feeshn't / sea / pervert / finite / defecator / shelled / flair / pine / tygh
with big phony

2013. 6. 28 (friday)
org, tokyo (half yogurt label party's guest)
cutter / wile / younger / flair / pine / pervert / sea / tygh
with 古川麦, tailor made for a small room, i need me

2013. 6. 27 (thursday)
septima, tokyo (opening)
cutter / wile / summed / flair / pine / pervert / sea / tygh
with eiji mitomi (+shibata)

2013. 6. 24 (monday)
nanahari, tokyo
drem / wile / cutter / tutelar / younger / flair / dander / pervert / pine / sea / tygh / + defecator
with fujiwara satoshi

2013. 6. 23 (sunday)
simokitazawa indie fanclub 2013 (SIFC 2013), tokyo
hearted / flair / pervert / defecator / dander / sea / feathery / tygh

2013. 6. 21 (friday)
shicho shitsu, tokyo
tygh / tutelar / shelled / flair / pine / winding / dander / defecator / sea / pervert / noon
with suppa micro pamchopp / キスミワコ

2013. 6. 20 (thursday)
dommune, tokyo
flair / sea

2013. 6. 19 (wednesday)
urbanguild, kyoto
sheebee / murata sexy boy / dander / defecator / sea / pervert / flair / pine / noon / tygh / 어젯밤 이야기 / + cutter
with moon face boys

2013. 6. 14 (friday)
give me little more, matsumoto
tygh / shelled / tutelar / younger / flair / summed / cutter / wile / pine / defecator / finite / dander / sea / feeshn't
with 長橋幸宏

2013. 6. 9 (sunday)
neon hall, nagano
feeshn't / flair / younger / feathery / summed / cutter / winding / sea / pervert / pine / tygh
with 中島郷太、小川哲郎

2013. 6. 2 (sunday)
もっきりや, kanazawa
murata sexy boy / shelled / hearted / tutelar / flair / summed / wile / cutter / pervert / sea / dander / defecator / tygh / + pine
with alfred beach sandal

2013. 5. 31 (friday)
kapo, kanazawa
tygh / pine / younger / noon / sea / pervert / finite / feeshn't / + dander
with kyo81, obakenokeane

2013. 5. 30 (thursday)
nål, ise
feeshn't / summed / feathery / cutter / flair / sea / pervert / murata sexy boy / tygh / + defecator
with 外村伸二, マサイ, モトム, トーマス

2013. 5. 26 (sunday)
cafe yusurago, kyoto
picknick / sea / pervert / flair / defecator / noon / tutelar / dander / tygh / + cutter
with 枡本航太+ひろ (たゆたう), 原田茶飯事

2013. 5. 25 (saturday)
aotsuki librairie(蒼月書房), osaka
picknick / feathery / defecator / pine / pervert / flair / dander / hearted / tygh
with グラタンカーニバル (光永惟行, 貝つぶ, カメイナホコ), あだち麗三郎

2013. 5. 19 (sunday)
cafe com, shimonoseki
tygh / shelled / tutelar / summed / wile / cutter / flair / pine / sea / finite / feeshn't / +dander
with soul sister

2013. 5. 18 (saturday)
iaf shop, fukuoka
part 1
picknick / sea / pervert / shelled / noon / tutelar / younger / flair / winding / finite / tygh
Part 2
drem / cutter / wile / summed / feathery / hearted / defecator / whore / dander / pine / feeshn't

2013. 5. 12 (sunday)
space eauuu, kobe
murata sexy boy / pine / sea / pervert / tutelar / noon / finite / tygh
with 伽月, kaitsubu, MOON FACE BOYS, トーマス, 本松洋子, 松野泉

2013. 5. 10 (friday)
cafe yugue, kyoto
pyne / flair / winding / tutelar / younger / shelled / defecator / sea / pervert / finite / tygh / +raffle
with kawate naoto, kaitsubu

2013. 5. 1 (wednesday)
pub b-301, jeju
drem / summed / wile / cutter / pyne / shelled / flair / younger / winding / tygh / twinkled / addicted / sea / finite / feeshn't

2013. 4. 27 (saturday)
new album showcase
cafe elliott's chiar, jeju
tygh / pervert / defecator / dander / raffle / twinkled / addicted / sea / finite / feeshn't / tutelar / flair
guest : namgida band, david bevilacqua, vague blossom

2013. 4. 26 (friday)
new album showcase
cafe upstair, busan
tygh / tutelar / younger / winding / flair / sea / pervert / finite / defecator / feeshn't / twinkled
guest : kim tae chun, busan children

2013. 4. 19 (friday)
cafe ddda, seoul
twinkled / raffle (with kang yejin) / tutelar / sea / pervert / tygh
with kim tae chun, kim mokin, alps(アルプス)

2013. 4. 18 (thursday)
salon jebi, seoul
shelled / sea / pervert / tutelar / finite / pine / flair / tygh
with kim tae chun

2013. 4. 14 (sunday)
salon badabie, seoul
picknick / sea / finite / addicted / twinkled / younger / flair / feeshn't
with kang taegu, sellin selly selline

2013. 4. 13 (saturday)
mudaeruk, seoul
pyne / sea / pervert / tutelar / younger / finite / feeshn't
with big baby driver, mono barn

2013. 4. 6 (saturday)
new album showcase
pink moon, seoul
picknick / pervert / sea / raffle / younger / flair / twinkled / hearer / finite / feeshn't / tutelar
* sea, raffle, finite: kang yejin / younger, flair, twinkled, hearer, finite: kim mokin / tutelar: song eunji
guest : lee ho suk, ha heonjin

2013. 3. 24 (sunday)
cafe usurago, kyoto
whore / tutelar / younger / flair / finite / defecator / dander / pervert / sea / tygh / 芝の青さ (by 柴田聡子)
with hada, thomas, kohaku, hi how are you?, tanitsugu tsutomu, moon face boys (bgm inoue tomoe)

2013. 3. 23 (saturday)
knit kaikan, osaka
tygh / sea / pervert / flair / summed / cutter / twinkled / feeshn't / 芝の青さ (by 柴田聡子)
with 黒田誠二郎, ルイ・リロイ・田中

2013. 3. 22 (friday)
space eauuu, kobe
pyne / younger / flair / sea / pervert / dander / defecator / finite / feeshn't
with 川手直人, ちんぷんかんぷん, 貝つぶ

2013. 3. 17 (sunday)
cafe ddda, seoul
tygh / sea / dander / tutelar / younger / flair / hearted / finite / defecator / feeshn't
with band met

2013. 2. 17 (sunday)
pink moon, seoul
shelled / tutelar / pine / flair / defecator / dander / sea / pervert / tygh
with david bevilacqua, 하헌진

2013. 2. 8 (friday)
cafe ddda, seoul
tygh / tutelar / younger / hearted / flair / pine / pervert / sea / feeshn't
with 주효

2013. 1. 20 (sunday)
salon badabie, seoul
tygh / noon / tutelar / pervert / pine / defecator / finite / sea / younger
with 미나리 랜드, 강태구, 나는 모호, 기치

2013. 1. 18 (friday)
salon jebi, seoul
feeshn't / shelled / hearted / younger / flair / pine / cutter / wile / twinkled / raffle / dander / finite / sea

2013. 1. 12 (saturday)
cafe elliott's chiar, jeju
defecator / dander / finite / sea / flair / pervert / shelled / younger / pine / tygh
with 남기다 밴드, david bevilacqua, 하헌진

2013. 1. 11 (friday)
veloso, seoul
tutelar / flair / sea / defecator / dander / finite / tygh
with 빅 포니(오프닝), 강아솔, big baby driver, 김목인

© dringe augh & peprermEnt, 2001